
When I sit down to create a piece of art I don’t always have a firm vision in my head. Mostly just a drive to create has pushed me into my studio. The drive comes and goes just like any motivation whether it be for going to the gym, art, writing. I’ve found that its best not to force the creative process if I’m not feeling the drive. The art just doesn’t flow like it should if I do. It’s like being exhausted, going to the gym anyway and having a shitty work out.

My biggest inspirations of the moment are things that show up in my work quite often. It’s snakes, moths, flower (unsurprisingly), and fungi. My brain is hardcore stuck in a cottagecore phase.

I’ve found a couple of things that help smooth out the creative flow. As someone with ADHD tendencies I’m always seeking optimal stimulations.

Podcasts- This is the best form of audio entertainment to focus on the flow. They are really entertaining and interesting. I don’t have to change it every couple of minutes like I would if it were music. Can’t have a random song messing up the vibes. I prefer true crime podcasts but listen to whatever genre pleases you.

Comfort Movies- A movie or movies that you’ve seen a hundred times that you still love. Put that boi on in the background and get to work. A few of mine are any of the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or Marvel movies. I think that having seen it so many times it limits the distraction and you can visualize the movie just from the dialogue.

While, I may not always have the drive to create that doesn’t mean I have any shortage of ideas. If I can’t immediately create them I will scribble them down on a little note and stuff them into my sketch book, business journal, or personal journal depending on the category of the idea. Leaving the notes for myself allows me to circle back to ideas that I liked when I have the creative drive to execute them. I have specific folders on my social medias so I can save the ideas or tutorials I like there. Reference is key. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

While being a professional artist is fabulous and so gratifying I’ve found that it’s vital to still do art that is for me. Whether it’s a Pokémon magnet or just a fun little mushroom drawing. Making art requires you to give some of yourself to bring it to life. So making pieces for yourself is almost like keeping your energy for yourself. Having pieces that I’ve made just because the idea gave me joy has helped push me to make more pieces and honestly those are the pieces others have enjoyed most as well.

The last tip (?, I guess) for inspiration I have for you, dear reader, is that your creative space is almost as important as making the art. Having a space that is meant for creating and is only used for creating helps train your mind that every time you enter that space it’s time to create. Fill that space with things that make you happy and feel good. Whether, that space is a whole room or just an easel in your front room. I have had small spaces before and now have the luxury of a whole studio room in my home. Making it my perfect creative space has been a process but it has helped SO MUCH in my creative process.

I hope that sharing some of my experience with the ebb and flow of creative energy and the practices that help smooth out the flow has been helpful. I wish you the best of luck in your creative processes. Remember I love each and everyone of you for creating, for visiting my website, and for reading!


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